420-Hightimes is going SSL. We still allow connections to 6667, however you may not be able to join many channels. To connect to our network, please use
/server irc.420-hightimes.com:+6697
(This is an example for Mirc and Mibbit). Our SSL Ports are 6697 and
If you have trouble, please consult your irc clients
documentation, or join #hightimes-lounge

We have lost a
Dear friend and High times family member on December 16th, 2009 at 9:55PM due to cancer. She passed away with family by her side and peaceful. We at 420-HighTimes love an miss her so
much, and our condolences go out to her family. Thank you for the many
memories you have given us. We miss you.
~420-HighTimes Staff~
Cards, Ern, ernskid, Thanach, Wasaki, muddy, Papa_Elmo, play4free2
We Depend on Our Users to help pay the exspenses it take to run
420-hightimes Please help by Donating whatever you can afford - thank you
from the 420-hightimes staff
Welcome to the site of 420-HighTimes IRC Network. We have been an IRC network for a long time now. We have complete services (anope-based + NeoStats).
Our main (staff-run) chat channel is #HighTimes-lounge, there you can meet most of
our staff and helpers as well as talk with other users. So feel free to stop in anytime. We support registered channels, and will not interfere unless asked.
Any error's, email

There are many ways to chat on our network. If you have mirc you can click on the link, or enter a nick to join via our java client:
mIRC Users: irc://irc.420-hightimes.com
Acceptable Use Policy
Basic Rules:
User(s) shall not impersonate another user or staff member.
User(s) should not threaten another user or staff member.
User(s) shall not flood or spam any channel, user(s), or staff member.
User(s) shall not distribute (a) virus(es), trojan(s), or any other file (type) that could be considered hostile.
User(s) must not abuse services in any way.
User(s) are not permitted in any channel that is for staff only.
User(s) are waiving their right(s) to prosecute 420-HighTimes IRC Network; its servers, Isp(s) & Host(s), affiliates, and staff.
By Connecting - You are accepting all of these rules. Rules can change at any time without notice. We reserve the right to disconnect any user from our server(s) for any reason.
Government, RIAA, ANTI-Piracy & Related Group(s): By entering, you are violating code 431.322.12, Internet Privacy Act signed by Bill Clinton in 1995. Therefore you CANNOT threaten our ISP(s) , person(s) or company(s) storing these file(s) and cannot prosecute. This is also against the AUP, therefore you must disconnect from our server(s).
420-HighTimes Network (including all servers), its ISP(s) & Host(s), operator(s), and admin(s) of the servers are not to be held responsible for the action(s) implied or the opinion(s) expressed by the user(s) connecting to the server(s) of this network... Furthermore these server(s) may not be used for any illegal purpose(s), or any use that we (420-HighTimes Staff) consider abusive. If you are found to be abusive or violating our AUP, you can be removed without notice.
By connecting to any one of our server(s), you are agreeing to our AUP and forfeit your rights to prosecution of any sort. By connecting you are also liable for any and all legal action(s) or investigation(s) that (at any time) are in effect with you, your computer, and/or your internet connection.
Maintain network operations, and oversee all network issues.
Server Admins
Maintian Network Stabiltiy, Monitor network connectivity and reconnect
splits. In the event they cannot handle a situation, it is their duty to
immediately contact ern. Perform tasks assigned by NetAdmins, and help
support services Admins.
Services Admins
Maintain Services, Support Global Operators, Perform Tasks assigned by
Global Operators
Support IRC Users with issues. Be available for help in #HighTimes-lounge.
Resolve user issues, perform tasks assigned by NetAdmins
--Must have a great knowledge of commands for UnrealIRCD
If you have any questions, please contact your trainers Ernskid or Rindy.
Also don't forget to review the guide below...